Olympia G4 turn 12
Report for Hirogen hunters [md5].
Season "Sunsear", month 4, in the year 2.
Rules The Olympia Times
Game totals:
Players: 136
Controlled units: 1,066
Other units: 323
Faction [md5] rank
------------- ----
Characters: 3 128th
Men: 25 91st
Gold: 175 128th
Land controlled: 0 20th
Skills known: 0/74 132nd
Spells known: 0/79 106th
Provinces visited: 4/14,914 124th
Noble points: 17 (0 gained, 2 spent)
The next NP will be received at the end of turn 16.
The next five nobles formed will be: 1821 3477 5676 3414 2232
220 fast study days are left.
unit where loyal heal B CA gold peas work sail figh under name
---- ----- ----- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----
7388 ct63 c500 100 0 Beta
5222 w24 o2 100 0 75 25 Alpha
5232 w24 c500 100 0 100 5222 Shipmaster
==== ==== ==== ==== ====
175 25
Location Stack
-------- -----
Plain [ct63] Beta [7388]
Forest [ct66]
Vikos [w24] Alpha [5222]
Shipmaster [5232]
stack total wt walk ride fly
----- -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
7388 1,100 250 0% 50 66%
5222 2,704 2,696 0%
5232 102 98 2%
Hirogen hunters [md5]
0: > press 1
0: Press posted.
0: > public
0: Received 100 CLAIM gold.
Unclaimed items:
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
4,825 gold [1] 0
4 riding horses [52] 4,000 ride 600
50 wood [77] 1,500
100 stone [78] 10,000
Beta [7388]
7: Beta [7388] stacks beneath Alpha [5222].
8: > claim 1 100
8: Claimed 100 gold.
8: > study 610
8: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
8: Study Combat for seven days.
15: > unstack
15: Beta [7388] unstacks from Alpha [5222].
15: > move out
15: Travel to Forest [ct66] will take one day.
15: Arrival at Forest [ct66].
16: > claim 52 1
16: Claimed one riding horse.
16: > move w
16: Travel to Forest [ct65] will take four days.
19: Arrival at Forest [ct65].
19: The province is blanketed in fog.
20: > move w
20: Travel to Forest [ct64] will take four days.
23: Arrival at Forest [ct64].
24: > move w
24: Travel to Plain [ct63] will take four days.
27: Arrival at Plain [ct63].
28: > move w
28: Travel to Plain [ct62] will take four days.
Location: Plain [ct63], in Eser
Loyalty: Contract-500
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Partially known skills:
Combat [610], 7/21
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
1 riding horse [52] 1,000 ride 150
Capacity: 0/250 land (0%), 100/150 ride (66%)
Alpha [5222]
1: > form 7388 "Beta"
7: Beta [7388] stacks beneath us.
8: > form 5232 "Shipmaster"
14: Shipmaster [5232] stacks beneath us.
15: Beta [7388] unstacks from us.
15: > study 610
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Study Combat for seven days.
22: > study 610
22: Study Combat for seven days.
29: > sell 94 100 4
29: Try to sell 100 woven baskets [94] for 4 gold each.
29: > make 94
30: Made two woven baskets.
30: Paid maintenance of 25 gold.
Location: Vikos [w24], in province Forest [ct66], in Eser
Loyalty: Oath-2
Stacked over: Shipmaster [5232]
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Partially known skills:
Combat [610], 14/21
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
75 gold [1] 0
25 peasants [10] 2,500 cap 2,500 (1,1,0)
2 woven baskets [94] 2
Capacity: 2/2,600 land (0%)
Pending trades:
trade price qty item
----- ----- --- ----
sell 4 100 woven basket [94]
Shipmaster [5232]
14: Shipmaster [5232] stacks beneath Alpha [5222].
15: > sell 94 100 4
15: Try to sell 100 woven baskets [94] for 4 gold each.
15: > claim 1 200
15: Claimed 200 gold.
15: > study 600
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Study Shipcraft for seven days.
22: > study 600
22: Study Shipcraft for seven days.
29: > make 94
30: Made two woven baskets.
Location: Vikos [w24], in province Forest [ct66], in Eser
Loyalty: Contract-500
Stacked under: Alpha [5222]
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Partially known skills:
Shipcraft [600], 14/21
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
100 gold [1] 0
2 woven baskets [94] 2
Capacity: 2/100 land (2%)
Pending trades:
trade price qty item
----- ----- --- ----
sell 4 100 woven basket [94]
Plain [ct63], plain, in Eser, wilderness
27: Beta [7388], with one riding horse, arrived from the east.
28: Beta [7388], with one riding horse, went west.
30: It has stopped raining.
Routes leaving Plain:
North, to Plain [cs63], 7 days
East, to Forest [ct64], 8 days
South, to Plain [cv63], 7 days
West, to Plain [ct62], 7 days
Inner locations:
Rocky hill [r697], rocky hill, 1 day
Seen here:
* Beta [7388], with one riding horse
Forest [ct64], forest, in Eser, wilderness
23: Beta [7388], with one riding horse, arrived from the east.
24: Beta [7388], with one riding horse, went west.
25: pozorovatel [8773], with one riding horse, arrived from the west.
26: pozorovatel [8773], with one riding horse, went south.
29: Kramer [7532], with 19 riding horses, arrived from the south.
30: Kramer [7532], with 19 riding horses, went east.
30: It has stopped raining.
Routes leaving Forest:
North, to Forest [cs64], 8 days
East, to Forest [ct65], 8 days
South, to Forest [cv64], 8 days
West, to Plain [ct63], 7 days
Seen here:
Best Boy [7517], with 15 workers
Kramer [7532], with 19 riding horses
Forest [ct65], forest, in Eser, civ-1
30: The fog has cleared.
30: It has stopped raining.
Routes leaving Forest:
North, to Ocean [cs65], Great Sea, 2 days
East, to Forest [ct66], 8 days
South, to Swamp [cv65], 14 days
West, to Forest [ct64], 8 days
Seen here:
Tyr Hammerfaust [5416], with 17 workers, eight sailors, four peasants
Forest [ct66], forest, in Eser, safe haven, civ-2
1: Andrew [5833] cut five yew.
1: drevorubec [1364] cut 15 wood.
1: Unit1212 [1212] cut 15 wood.
2: Andrew [5833], with 15 workers, four pikemen, exited Yew grove [f070].
2: Unit1212 [1212], with 15 workers, entered Vikos [w24].
2: drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers, entered Vikos [w24].
3: Andrew [5833], with 15 workers, four pikemen, went south.
3: drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers, arrived from Vikos [w24].
15: Beta [7388] arrived from Vikos [w24].
16: Beta [7388], with one riding horse, went west.
17: Tyr Hammerfaust [5416], with 17 workers, eight sailors, arrived from
17: Vikos [w24].
18: Tyr Hammerfaust [5416], with 17 workers, eight sailors, went west.
20: Andrew [5833], with 15 workers, four pikemen, arrived from the south.
21: Andrew [5833], with 15 workers, four pikemen, entered Yew grove [f070].
24: Unit1212 [1212], with 15 workers, arrived from Vikos [w24].
Routes leaving Forest:
North, to Ocean [cs66], Great Sea, impassable
East, to Ocean [ct67], Great Sea, impassable
South, to Forest [cv66], 8 days
West, to Forest [ct65], 8 days
Inner locations:
Vikos [w24], port city, safe haven, 1 day
Yew grove [f070], yew grove, 1 day, owner:
Andrew [5833], with 15 workers, four pikemen
Arlington [4119], with seven soldiers, 15 archers, four pikemen
B'Elanna Torres [6222], with five workers
Seen here:
drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers
Unit1212 [1212], with 15 workers
Vikos [w24], port city, in province Forest [ct66], safe haven
0: Lady Bauth [4192] melts into the ground and vanishes.
0: Young Bauth [7596] melts into the ground and vanishes.
0: Lord Bauth [5983] melts into the ground and vanishes.
0: Sir Bauth [6217] melts into the ground and vanishes.
0: Baby Bauth [8547] melts into the ground and vanishes.
1: Vikos [w24] bought 16 woven baskets [94] from Thilan [4239] for 48 gold.
1: Vikos [w24] bought 14 woven baskets [94] from Kruhl [3686] for 42 gold.
1: Vikos [w24] bought 100 fish [87] from Neelix [8025] for 200 gold.
1: namornik [6560], with 29 sailors, entered N3 [6280].
2: Unit1212 [1212], with 15 workers, arrived from Forest [ct66].
2: drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers, arrived from Forest [ct66].
3: drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers, entered N3 [6280].
3: drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers, exited N3 [6280].
3: drevorubec [1364], with 15 workers, exited Vikos [w24].
5: Noble 4 [8558], with 20 workers, 12 sailors, exited N3 [6280].
10: Hadd [1635] recruited ten peasants.
10: Kaija [3974], roundship, 11% loaded, defense 10, arrived from
10: Ocean [ct67], owner:
10: Jurnieks [5312], with 25 sailors
11: Jurnieks [5312], with 25 sailors, exited Kaija [3974].
12: Noble 4 [8558] began construction of N4 [3190], roundship-in-progress in
12: Vikos [w24].
15: Beta [7388] exited Vikos [w24].
15: Jabba the Hutt [6706] entered N3 [6280].
16: Tyr Hammerfaust [5416], with 17 workers, eight sailors, exited
16: Vikos [w24].
24: Unit1212 [1212], with 15 workers, exited Vikos [w24].
25: Saimnieks [8444] entered Kaija [3974], accompanied by:
25: Jurnieks [5312], with 25 sailors
Routes leaving Vikos:
North, to Ocean [cs66], Great Sea, 1 day
East, to Ocean [ct67], Great Sea, 1 day
Out, to Forest [ct66], 1 day
Cities rumored to be nearby:
Swinebroth [g42], in Plain [ct60]
Skills taught here:
Shipcraft [600], Combat [610], Construction [680], Forestry [700],
Trade [730], Magic [800], Gatecraft [860]
Market report:
trade who price qty wt/ea item
----- --- ----- --- ----- ----
buy w24 6 25 30 wood [77]
buy w24 178 44 45 silk [t773]
buy w24 4 30 1 woven baskets [94]
buy w24 2 100 2 fish [87]
sell 5225 2 14 2 fish [87]
sell 4239 3 16 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 3686 3 16 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 5222 4 2 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 5232 4 2 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 5038 4 40 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 6287 4 10 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 1635 4 89 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 8025 4 27 1 woven baskets [94]
sell 5225 4 125 1 woven baskets [94]
sell w24 50 10 100 pitch [261]
sell w24 13 25 30 wood [77]
sell w24 13 26 100 cassava [a140]
sell w24 16 34 100 sugar [v829]
Seen here:
* Alpha [5222], with 25 peasants, accompanied by:
* Shipmaster [5232]
Mister Ghis [5038]
Thilan [4239], with 25 peasants
Kruhl [3686]
Ieuan [6287], with four soldiers
Hadd [1635], conjurer, with ten peasants
Neelix [8025]
Seatrader [5225], with seven peasants, seven workers
Unit2925 [2925]
Ships docked at port:
Explora [5468], roundship, 0% loaded, defense 10
N3 [6280], roundship, 8% loaded, defense 10, owner:
namornik [6560], with 17 sailors, one worker
Jabba the Hutt [6706]
Kaija [3974], roundship, 12% loaded, defense 10, owner:
Saimnieks [8444], accompanied by:
Jurnieks [5312], with 25 sailors
N4 [3190], roundship-in-progress, 37% completed, 13% loaded, owner:
Noble 4 [8558], with 20 workers, 12 sailors
Lore sheets
Shipcraft [600]
All skills concerning ocean travel fall under this category.
Shipcraft encompasses the building and repair of ships,
training of sailors, and navigation at sea.
The following skills may be studied directly once Shipcraft is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
601 Sailing two weeks
602 Shipbuilding two weeks
603 Fishing two weeks
Combat [610]
The student of combat learns the training of soldiers and how
to lead them well in battle. With study and experience, the
battle lord will find strategies to be used in difficult combat
The following skills may be studied directly once Combat is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
611 Survive fatal wound four weeks
612 Fight to the death four weeks
613 Construct catapult two weeks
614 Defense two weeks
615 Archery three weeks
616 Swordplay two weeks
617 Weaponsmithing two weeks
New players
re8 Ramthul
Uli Kaufeld <h-u.kaufeld@gmx.de>