Olympia G4 turn 184 Report for A fresh start in Falconlake [cm0].

Season "Dark night", month 8, in the year 23.

Rules The Olympia Times
Game totals: Players: 36 Controlled units: 553 Other units: 3,356 Faction [cm0] rank ------------- ---- Characters: 4 35th Men: 25 24th Gold: 440 32nd Land controlled: 0 24th Skills known: 6/74 36th Spells known: 0/79 33rd Provinces visited: 0/14,914 36th Noble points: 37 (3 gained, 6 spent) The next NP will be received at the end of turn 192. The next five nobles formed will be: 5717 2856 8511 9855 7347 190 fast study days are left. unit where loyal heal B CA gold peas work sail figh under name ---- ----- ----- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- 3595 s80 c500 100 9 22 14 test noble 2 8788 s80 c500 100 9 test noble 3 2999 s80 c500 100 9 140 test noble 4 9677 3471 c500 100 9 278 11 test noble 1 ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== 440 11 14 Location Stack -------- ----- Hilrun Forest [ar53] Falconlake [s80] test noble 2 [3595] test noble 3 [8788] test noble 4 [2999] test galley [3471] test noble 1 [9677] stack total wt walk ride fly ----- -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 3595 1,600 1,400 6% 8788 100 100 0% 2999 265 (65) 165% 9677 1,800 600 50%

A fresh start in Falconlake [cm0]

0: > public 0: Received 100 CLAIM gold. 0: > accept 0 0 Unclaimed items: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 2,925 gold [1] 0 5 riding horses [52] 5,000 ride 750 100 stone [78] 10,000

Soon to be death [7514]

1: > stop 1: > form 9677 "test noble 1" 7: test noble 1 [9677] stacks beneath us. 8: > give 9677 1 200 8: Gave 200 gold to test noble 1 [9677]. 8: > unstack 9677 8: Dropped test noble 1 [9677] from stack. 8: > promote 9677 8: Promoted test noble 1 [9677]. 8: test noble 1 [9677] took 11 peasants [10] from us. 8: > form 3595 "test noble 2" 14: test noble 2 [3595] stacks beneath us. 15: > unstack 3595 15: Dropped test noble 2 [3595] from stack. 15: > promote 3595 15: Promoted test noble 2 [3595]. 15: test noble 2 [3595] took 14 peasants [10] from us. 15: > form 8788 "test noble 3" 21: test noble 3 [8788] stacks beneath us. 22: > unstack 8788 22: Dropped test noble 3 [8788] from stack. 22: > promote 8788 22: Promoted test noble 3 [8788]. 22: > form 2999 "test noble 4" 28: test noble 4 [2999] stacks beneath us. 29: > unstack 2999 29: Dropped test noble 4 [2999] from stack. 29: > promote 2999 29: Promoted test noble 4 [2999]. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 800 1 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Deducted one noble point to begin study. 29: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Magic. 29: > forget 800 29: Forgot all knowledge of [800]. 29: Refunded 1 noble point. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 860 35 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Deducted one noble point to begin study. 29: Using 35 fast study days to accelerate learning of Gatecraft. 29: Learned Gatecraft [860]. 29: Maximum aura now 0. 29: > forget 860 29: Forgot all knowledge of [860]. 29: Refunded 1 noble point. 29: > wait flag death 29: Wait finished: test noble 1 [9677] signaled 'death' 29: > die 29: *** Soon to be death has died ***

test noble 2 [3595]

14: test noble 2 [3595] stacks beneath Soon to be death [7514]. 15: > stop 15: Soon to be death [7514] dropped us from the stack. 15: > wait top 15: Wait finished: we are the stack leader 15: Soon to be death [7514] promoted us. 15: > behind 9 15: Behind flag set to 9. 15: > claim 1 100 15: Claimed 100 gold. 15: > study 600 21 15: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 15: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Shipcraft. 15: Learned Shipcraft [600]. 15: > claim 1 100 15: Claimed 100 gold. 15: > study 601 14 15: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 15: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Sailing. 15: Learned Sailing [601]. 15: > claim 1 100 15: Claimed 100 gold. 15: > study 602 14 15: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 15: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Shipbuilding. 15: Learned Shipbuilding [602]. 15: > get 7514 10 14 15: Took 14 peasants from Soon to be death [7514]. 15: > train 19 14 28: Trained 14 sailors. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 610 1 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Combat. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 700 1 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Forestry. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > buy 261 1 50 29: Try to buy one pitch [261] for 50 gold. 29: Bought one pitch [261] from Falconlake [s80] for 50 gold. 30: Paid maintenance of 28 gold. Location: Falconlake [s80], in province Forest [ar53], in Hilrun Loyalty: Contract-500 Health: 100% Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0 behind 9 (stay behind in combat) Break point: 50% Skills known: Shipcraft [600] Sailing [601], apprentice Shipbuilding [602], apprentice Partially known skills: Combat [610], 1/21 Forestry [700], 1/21 Inventory: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 22 gold [1] 0 14 sailors [19] 1,400 cap 1,400 (1,1,0) 1 pitch [261] 100 ====== 1,500 Capacity: 100/1,500 land (6%)

test noble 3 [8788]

21: test noble 3 [8788] stacks beneath Soon to be death [7514]. 22: > stop 22: Soon to be death [7514] dropped us from the stack. 22: > wait top 22: Wait finished: we are the stack leader 22: Soon to be death [7514] promoted us. 22: > behind 9 22: Behind flag set to 9. 22: > claim 1 100 22: Claimed 100 gold. 22: > study 610 1 22: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 22: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Combat. 22: > claim 1 100 22: Claimed 100 gold. 22: > study 730 21 22: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 22: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Trade. 22: Learned Trade [730]. 22: > claim 1 100 22: Claimed 100 gold. 22: > study 732 14 22: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 22: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Find tradegood for 22: sale. 22: Learned Find tradegood for sale [732]. 22: > use 732 Location: Falconlake [s80], in province Forest [ar53], in Hilrun Loyalty: Contract-500 Health: 100% Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0 behind 9 (stay behind in combat) Break point: 50% Skills known: Trade [730] Find tradegood for sale [732], apprentice Partially known skills: Combat [610], 1/21 test noble 3 [8788] has no possessions. Capacity: 0/100 land (0%)

test noble 4 [2999]

28: test noble 4 [2999] stacks beneath Soon to be death [7514]. 29: > stop 29: Soon to be death [7514] dropped us from the stack. 29: > wait top 29: Wait finished: we are the stack leader 29: Soon to be death [7514] promoted us. 29: > behind 9 29: Behind flag set to 9. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 610 1 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Combat. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 730 21 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Trade. 29: Learned Trade [730]. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > study 733 14 29: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 29: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Find market for 29: tradegood. 29: Learned Find market for tradegood [733]. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > buy n469 1 30 29: Try to buy one plum wine [n469] for 30 gold. 29: Bought one plum wine [n469] from Falconlake [s80] for 30 gold. 29: > claim 1 100 29: Claimed 100 gold. 29: > buy q522 1 30 29: Try to buy one honey [q522] for 30 gold. 29: Bought one honey [q522] from Falconlake [s80] for 30 gold. 29: > rumor 0 29: Rumor posted. Location: Falconlake [s80], in province Forest [ar53], in Hilrun Loyalty: Contract-500 Health: 100% Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0 behind 9 (stay behind in combat) Break point: 50% Skills known: Trade [730] Find market for tradegood [733], apprentice Partially known skills: Combat [610], 1/21 Inventory: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 140 gold [1] 0 1 plum wine [n469] 65 1 honey [q522] 100 ====== 165 Capacity: 165/100 land (165%)

test noble 1 [9677]

7: test noble 1 [9677] stacks beneath Soon to be death [7514]. 8: > stop 8: Received 200 gold [1] from Soon to be death [7514]. 8: > wait top 8: Soon to be death [7514] dropped us from the stack. 8: Wait finished: we are the stack leader 8: Soon to be death [7514] promoted us. 8: > behind 9 8: Behind flag set to 9. 8: > flag death 8: > claim 1 100 8: Claimed 100 gold. 8: > study 610 1 8: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 8: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Combat. 8: > claim 1 100 8: Claimed 100 gold. 8: > study 700 1 8: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 8: Using 1 fast study day to accelerate learning of Forestry. 8: > claim 1 100 8: Claimed 100 gold. 8: > study 600 21 8: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 8: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Shipcraft. 8: Learned Shipcraft [600]. 8: > claim 1 100 8: Claimed 100 gold. 8: > study 601 14 8: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 8: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Sailing. 8: Learned Sailing [601]. 8: > claim 1 100 8: Claimed 100 gold. 8: > study 602 14 8: Paid 100 gold to begin study. 8: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Shipbuilding. 8: Learned Shipbuilding [602]. 8: > get 7514 10 11 8: Took 11 peasants from Soon to be death [7514]. 8: > train 11 11 18: Trained 11 workers. 19: > claim 77 50 19: Claimed 50 wood. 19: > claim 1 100 19: Claimed 100 gold. 19: > build galley "test galley" 19: Created test galley [3471], galley-in-progress. 19: Used ten wood [77] in construction of test galley [3471]. 23: Used ten wood [77] in construction of test galley [3471]. 28: Used ten wood [77] in construction of test galley [3471]. 30: Paid maintenance of 22 gold. Location: test galley [3471], in Falconlake [s80], in province Forest [ar53], in Hilrun Loyalty: Contract-500 Health: 100% Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0 behind 9 (stay behind in combat) Break point: 50% Skills known: Shipcraft [600] Sailing [601], apprentice Shipbuilding [602], apprentice Partially known skills: Combat [610], 1/21 Forestry [700], 1/21 Inventory: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 278 gold [1] 0 11 workers [11] 1,100 cap 1,100 (1,1,0) 20 wood [77] 600 ====== 1,700 Capacity: 600/1,200 land (50%)

Forest [ar53], forest, in Hilrun, safe haven, civ-3

0: Garrison [9060], garrison, with ten soldiers guards Forest [ar53]. Routes leaving Forest: North, to Ocean [aq53], Great Sea, impassable East, to Plain [ar54], 7 days South, to Ocean [as53], Great Sea, impassable West, to Ocean [ar52], Great Sea, impassable Inner locations: Falconlake [s80], port city, safe haven, 1 day Seen here: Garrison [9060], garrison, on guard, with ten soldiers

Falconlake [s80], port city, in province Forest [ar53], safe haven

1: Sailor [4690] arrived. 1: Miner [8150], with 19 pikemen, exited Tub 6 [1677]. 1: Tub 6 [1677], roundship, 95% loaded, defense 10, departed for 1: Ocean [as53]. 2: Hirakata [7638], priest, with seven winged horses, exited Imperial 2: Trading School [6540]. 19: test noble 1 [9677] began construction of test galley [3471], 19: galley-in-progress in Falconlake [s80]. 29: test noble 2 [3595] bought one pitch [261] from Falconlake [s80] for 29: 50 gold. 29: test noble 4 [2999] bought one plum wine [n469] from Falconlake [s80] 29: for 30 gold. 29: test noble 4 [2999] bought one honey [q522] from Falconlake [s80] for 29: 30 gold. 30: Tub 6 [1677], roundship, 95% loaded, defense 10, arrived from 30: Ocean [as53], owner: 30: Osswid the Immortal [3889], with 178 pikemen, five winged horses, 30: eight sailors, accompanied by: 30: Nathaniel Hawkthorne [5921], prisoner Routes leaving Falconlake: North, to Ocean [aq53], Great Sea, 1 day South, to Ocean [as53], Great Sea, 1 day West, to Ocean [ar52], Great Sea, 1 day Out, to Forest [ar53], 1 day Cities rumored to be nearby: Filugrave [r08], in Swamp [am54] Skills taught here: Shipcraft [600], Combat [610], Construction [680], Forestry [700], Trade [730], Magic [800], Gatecraft [860] Market report: trade who price qty wt/ea item ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---- buy s80 7 25 30 wood [77] buy s80 2 100 2 fish [87] buy s80 4 30 1 woven baskets [94] buy s80 177 45 100 obsidian [m959] sell 9510 83 42 100 honey [q522] sell 4654 98 47 50 ink [x786] sell 4654 112 40 38 vinegar [h031] sell s80 50 10 100 pitch [261] sell s80 15 25 30 wood [77] sell s80 30 29 65 plum wine [n469] sell s80 30 42 100 honey [q522] Inner locations: Imperial Trading School [6540], tower, defense 40, owner: Mask [6621], with two riding horses Yukuzikume [6991], with 16 winged horses, one ox, 60 minotaurs Seen here: * test noble 2 [3595], with 14 sailors * test noble 3 [8788] * test noble 4 [2999] Annatar [4327] Timothy Vandervelken [6284], wielding Javelin of Balatea [d751], with 20 peasants, 67 workers, 18 soldiers, 221 archers, 521 pikemen, 26 sailors, 361 crossbowmen, 518 elite archers, 508 winged horses, 40 catapults, accompanied by: Kotoshogiku [5058], with 33 winged horses, 12 oxen, 44 minotaurs Sailor [4690] Hirakata [7638], priest, with seven winged horses Ships docked at port: test galley [3471], galley-in-progress, 52% completed, 36% loaded, owner: * test noble 1 [9677], with 11 workers Tub 6 [1677], roundship, 91% loaded, defense 10, owner: Osswid the Immortal [3889], with 178 pikemen, four winged horses, eight sailors, accompanied by: Nathaniel Hawkthorne [5921], prisoner

Lore sheets

Shipcraft [600] --------------- All skills concerning ocean travel fall under this category. Shipcraft encompasses the building and repair of ships, training of sailors, and navigation at sea. The following skills may be studied directly once Shipcraft is known: num skill time to learn --- ----- ------------- 601 Sailing two weeks 602 Shipbuilding two weeks 603 Fishing two weeks Sailing [601] ------------- Usage: USE 601 Or: SAIL Requires: character must be ship's captain Time: varies with route taken Pilot a ship in the given direction, or to the specified location. If a location is specified, there must be a direct route to it from the current location of the ship. Compass points may be abbreviated: N, S, E, W. The character issuing the Pilot ship order must occupy the first position inside the ship (the character must be the captain of the ship). The captain must have a crew to assist in the handling of the ship. Galleys require fourteen sailors as oarsmen to row the ship. Roundships require at least eight sailors to man the ship's rigging. ship crew ---- ---- galley 14 sailors roundship 8 sailors If the required number of crew are not available, travel is still possible, but will take an extra day for each hand the crew is short. For example, a galley with only 10 men at the oars will take four extra days to travel across an ocean route. A roundship with no sailors at all would take eight extra days to traverse a route. Galleys perform equally well regardless of wind conditions. Roundships may be becalmed and unable to travel. In the presence of favorable wind they will travel across ocean routes in half the rated time. Overloaded ships do not sail well. They may take longer than expected to travel across routes, and are almost certain to capsize and sink in a storm. Captains should be careful not to leave port in a vessel carrying too much cargo. For convenience, one may use the SAIL order rather than "USE 601". Knowledge of Pilot ship [601] is still required, however. Shipbuilding [602] ------------------ Usage: BUILD galley "Name of ship" or BUILD roundship "Name of ship" Requires: at least three workers [11] 50 wood [77] for a galley, 100 wood for a roundship Time: 250 worker-days for a galley, 500 for a roundship To begin construction of a ship, the shipbuilder should unstack from beneath other characters and issue one of the BUILD orders. One-fifth of the lumber is required to start construction. The rest is deducted as progress on the ship is made (the second fifth at 20% completion, the third fifth at 40% completion, etc.) The shipbuilder and his workers will be placed inside the new ship. As soon as the required number of worker-days has been invested in construction, the ship will be christened and declared seaworthy. To resume construction of a partially completed ship, first enter the ship, then issue the either "build galley" or "build roundship". Ships may only be built in locations with a passable route to an ocean, such as a port city. Combat [610] ------------ The student of combat learns the training of soldiers and how to lead them well in battle. With study and experience, the battle lord will find strategies to be used in difficult combat situations. The following skills may be studied directly once Combat is known: num skill time to learn --- ----- ------------- 611 Survive fatal wound four weeks 612 Fight to the death four weeks 613 Construct catapult two weeks 614 Defense two weeks 615 Archery three weeks 616 Swordplay two weeks 617 Weaponsmithing two weeks Forestry [700] -------------- Forestry is skill at managing forests and harvesting their products, such as timber, yew, and rare foliage. The following skills may be studied directly once Forestry is known: num skill time to learn --- ----- ------------- 701 Construct battering ram two weeks 702 Harvest lumber two weeks 703 Harvest yew two weeks 704 Collect rare foliage two weeks 705 Harvest mallorn wood two weeks Further skills may be found through research. Trade [730] ----------- Trade provides the skills necessary to discover and develop markets in rare tradegoods. The following skills may be studied directly once Trade is known: num skill time to learn --- ----- ------------- 731 Conceal identity of trader two weeks 732 Find tradegood for sale two weeks 733 Find market for tradegood two weeks Find tradegood for sale [732] ----------------------------- Usage: USE 732 Time: 21 days Use of 732 searches for a seller of a new rare tradegood in the city market. At the completion of use, a new tradegood will be created and offered for sale by the city. Up to two tradegoods may be sold by each market. Use of 732 will fail if there are already two rare tradegoods for sale in the city. The tradegood will remain for sale in the city for 24-36 months following its addition to the trade list. At the end of this period it will be removed and no longer offered for sale (lowering the count of tradegoods sold in the city by 1). 732 must be used in a city in part of the regular world (not Hades, Faery, the Cloudlands, or Subworld.) Markets for rare tradegoods created with 732 may be found via the skill Find market for tradegood [733]. Find market for tradegood [733] ------------------------------- Usage: USE 733 Time: 14 days Use of 733 will attempt to find a buyer for a rare tradegood in the local city market. The trader must possess at least one of the tradegood that a buyer is being sought for. Markets to purchase rare tradegoods must be at least 8 provinces away from the market selling the rare tradegood. A city will purchase at most two rare tradegoods. For a given tradegood, there is a 50% chance that a city will purchase it. If successful, the city market will begin buying the rare tradegood. A trader can hope to earn 2000-3000 gold in profit if a full quantity of the tradegood is transported between the originating and consuming cities and sold. When the tradegood ceases to be sold in the originating city, the purchasing city will also remove the item from its purchase list, thus making room for another tradegood to be bought. 733 must be used in a city in part of the regular world (not Hades, Faery, the Cloudlands, or Subworld.)

Order template

begin cm0 "ExByRf8H" # A fresh start in Falconlake unit cm0 # A fresh start in Falconlake unit 3595 # test noble 2 in Falconlake [s80] unit 8788 # test noble 3 in Falconlake [s80] # > use 732 (executing for 12 more days) use 732 unit 2999 # test noble 4 in Falconlake [s80] unit 9677 # test noble 1 in test galley [3471] # > build galley "test galley" (still executing) end