Olympia G4 turn 2
Report for The Eight Mages [pp9].
Season "Snowmelt", month 2, in the year 1.
Rules The Olympia Times
Game totals:
Players: 80
Controlled units: 305
Other units: 262
Faction [pp9] rank
------------- ----
Characters: 4 28th
Men: 30 11th
Gold: 503 28th
Land controlled: 0 1st
Skills known: 5/74 2nd
Spells known: 1/79 6th
Provinces visited: 1/14,914 31st
Noble points: 11 (0 gained, 7 spent)
The next NP will be received at the end of turn 8.
The next five nobles formed will be: 7486 6920 5524 5198 2156
102 fast study days are left.
unit where loyal heal B CA gold peas work sail figh under name
---- ----- ----- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----
6335 w24 o2 100 0 200 12 Min
6621 9772 o1 100 0 100 8 5 Tad
2530 9772 o1 100 0 1 100 6621 Canad
7229 ct66 o1 100 0 103 3 2 Nel
==== ==== ==== ==== ====
503 23 7
Location Stack
-------- -----
Forest [ct66] Nel [7229]
Vikos [w24] Min [6335]
Cair [9772] Tad [6621]
Canad [2530]
stack total wt walk ride fly
----- -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
6335 1,404 1,196 8%
6621 1,501 1,499 0%
2530 101 99 1%
7229 600 600 0%
The Eight Mages [pp9]
0: > press 11
0: Press posted.
0: > message 10 2501
0: Message delivered.
2: > message 10 8185
2: Message delivered.
3: > message 10 5983
3: Message delivered.
4: > message 10 2024
4: Message delivered.
5: > message 10 4119
5: Message delivered.
6: > message 10 4660
6: Message delivered.
7: > message 10 8784
7: Message delivered.
8: > message 10 8741
8: Message delivered.
9: > message 10 7195
9: Message delivered.
10: > message 10 6890
10: Message delivered.
11: > message 10 4936
11: Message delivered.
12: > message 10 8712
12: Message delivered.
13: > message 10 5186
13: Message delivered.
Unclaimed items:
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
4,035 gold [1] 0
5 riding horses [52] 5,000 ride 750
40 wood [77] 1,200
100 stone [78] 10,000
Min [6335]
1: > public
1: Received 100 CLAIM gold.
1: > name "Min"
1: David [6335] will now be known as Min [6335].
1: > form 6621 "Tad"
7: Tad [6621] stacks beneath us.
8: > form 7229 "Nel"
14: Nel [7229] stacks beneath us.
15: > give 6621 10 8
15: Gave eight peasants to Tad [6621].
15: > claim 1 50
15: Claimed 50 gold.
15: > buy 261 1 50
15: Try to buy one pitch [261] for 50 gold.
15: Bought one pitch [261] from Vikos [w24] for 50 gold.
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > study 610 21
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Combat.
15: Learned Combat [610].
15: > train 11 5
15: Nel [7229] unstacks from us.
19: Trained five workers.
20: > claim 1 12
20: Claimed 12 gold.
20: > give 6621 11 5
20: Gave five workers to Tad [6621].
20: > claim 1 100
20: Claimed 100 gold.
20: > study 680 7
20: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
20: Using 7 fast study days to accelerate learning of Construction.
20: > study 680
20: Study Construction for seven days.
27: > make 94 4
30: Made four woven baskets.
30: Paid maintenance of 12 gold.
Location: Vikos [w24], in province Forest [ct66], in Eser
Loyalty: Oath-2
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Combat [610]
Partially known skills:
Construction [680], 14/21
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
200 gold [1] 0
12 peasants [10] 1,200 cap 1,200 (1,1,0)
4 woven baskets [94] 4
1 pitch [261] 100
Capacity: 104/1,300 land (8%)
Tad [6621]
7: Tad [6621] stacks beneath Min [6335].
8: > form 2530 "Canad"
14: Canad [2530] stacks beneath us.
15: Received eight peasants [10] from Min [6335].
15: > claim 1 8
15: Claimed eight gold.
15: > claim 1 10
15: Claimed ten gold.
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > study 600 21
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Shipcraft.
15: Learned Shipcraft [600].
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > study 602 7
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Using 7 fast study days to accelerate learning of Shipbuilding.
15: > study 602
15: Study Shipbuilding for seven days.
20: Received five workers [11] from Min [6335].
21: Learned Shipbuilding [602].
22: > oath 1
22: Tad [6621] now bound with oath-1.
23: > claim 77 10
23: Claimed ten wood.
23: > build galley "Cair"
23: Created Cair [9772], galley-in-progress.
23: Used ten wood [77] in construction of Cair [9772].
30: Paid maintenance of 18 gold.
Location: Cair [9772], in Vikos [w24], in province Forest [ct66],
in Eser
Loyalty: Oath-1
Stacked over: Canad [2530]
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Shipcraft [600]
Shipbuilding [602], apprentice
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
100 gold [1] 0
8 peasants [10] 800 cap 800 (1,1,0)
5 workers [11] 500 cap 500 (1,1,0)
Capacity: 0/1,400 land (0%)
Canad [2530]
14: Canad [2530] stacks beneath Tad [6621].
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > study 800 14
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Deducted one noble point to begin study.
15: Using 14 fast study days to accelerate learning of Magic.
15: > study 800
15: Study Magic for seven days.
22: > study 800
22: Study Magic for seven days.
28: Learned Magic [800].
28: Maximum aura now 1.
29: > make 94 1
29: Made one woven basket.
30: > sell 94 1
30: Try to sell one woven basket [94] for 1 gold.
30: > oath 1
30: Canad [2530] now bound with oath-1.
Location: Cair [9772], in Vikos [w24], in province Forest [ct66],
in Eser
Loyalty: Oath-1
Stacked under: Tad [6621]
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Current aura: 1
Maximum aura: 1
Skills known:
Magic [800]
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
100 gold [1] 0
1 woven basket [94] 1
Capacity: 1/100 land (1%)
Pending trades:
trade price qty item
----- ----- --- ----
sell 1 1 woven basket [94]
Nel [7229]
14: Nel [7229] stacks beneath Min [6335].
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > claim 1 100
15: Claimed 100 gold.
15: > study 700 21
15: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
15: Using 21 fast study days to accelerate learning of Forestry.
15: Learned Forestry [700].
15: > move ct66
15: Nel [7229] unstacks from Min [6335].
15: Travel to Forest [ct66] will take one day.
15: Arrival at Forest [ct66].
16: > recruit 5
20: Recruited five peasants.
21: > claim 1 100
21: Claimed 100 gold.
21: > study 702 7
21: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
21: Using 7 fast study days to accelerate learning of Harvest lumber.
21: > study 702
21: Study Harvest lumber for seven days.
27: Learned Harvest lumber [702].
28: > oath 1
28: Nel [7229] now bound with oath-1.
29: > claim 1 10
29: Claimed ten gold.
29: > train 11 2
30: Trained two workers.
30: Paid maintenance of 7 gold.
Location: Forest [ct66], in Eser
Loyalty: Oath-1
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Forestry [700]
Harvest lumber [702], apprentice
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
103 gold [1] 0
3 peasants [10] 300 cap 300 (1,1,0)
2 workers [11] 200 cap 200 (1,1,0)
Capacity: 0/600 land (0%)
Forest [ct66], forest, in Eser, safe haven, civ-2
5: It has begun to rain.
8: Durzo Blint [4660], with one riding horse, arrived from Vikos [w24].
9: Durzo Blint [4660], with one riding horse, went west.
15: Wieland [3747], with one riding horse, arrived from Vikos [w24].
15: Bruenor [8784], with one riding horse, arrived from Vikos [w24],
15: accompanied by:
15: Thoryn [5580], with 15 peasants
15: Fender [4609], with ten peasants
15: Kharas [5862]
15: Solstice [7195], with 14 peasants, three workers, arrived from
15: Vikos [w24].
15: Nel [7229] arrived from Vikos [w24].
15: Ramon Kaiser [1464] arrived from Vikos [w24].
15: Noble 1 [4301], with five peasants, arrived from Vikos [w24].
15: Lyrica [8094] arrived from Vikos [w24].
16: Wieland [3747], with one riding horse, went west.
16: Bruenor [8784], with one riding horse, went west, accompanied by:
16: Thoryn [5580], with 15 peasants
16: Fender [4609], with ten peasants
16: Kharas [5862]
16: Ramon Kaiser [1464], with one riding horse, went west.
16: Lyrica [8094], with one riding horse, went west.
16: Bounds [1690], with one riding horse, arrived from Vikos [w24].
17: Bounds [1690], with one riding horse, went west.
19: Rachel Twinkletoes [8842], with five peasants, arrived from Vikos [w24].
20: Nel [7229] recruited five peasants.
20: Noble 1 [4301] recruited five peasants.
22: Noble 3 [4956], with one riding horse, arrived from Vikos [w24].
26: Andrew [5833], with three riding horses, three workers, arrived from
26: Vikos [w24].
29: Rachel Twinkletoes [8842] cut 24 wood.
29: Andrew [5833] cut six wood.
Routes leaving Forest:
North, to Ocean [cs66], Great Sea, impassable
East, to Ocean [ct67], Great Sea, impassable
South, to Forest [cv66], 8 days
West, to Forest [ct65], 8 days
Inner locations:
Vikos [w24], port city, safe haven, 1 day
Yew grove [f070], yew grove, 1 day
It is raining.
Seen here:
Solstice [7195], with 14 peasants, three workers
* Nel [7229], with three peasants, two workers
Noble 1 [4301], with ten peasants
Rachel Twinkletoes [8842], with five workers
Noble 3 [4956], with one riding horse
Andrew [5833], with three riding horses, three workers
Vikos [w24], port city, in province Forest [ct66], safe haven
1: KayMan [8741] bought 15 wood [77] from Vikos [w24] for 195 gold.
1: KayMan [8741] bought ten wood [77] from Vikos [w24] for 130 gold.
8: Durzo Blint [4660], with one riding horse, exited Vikos [w24].
12: Captain Reynolds [5104] began construction of Serenity [1090],
12: galley-in-progress in Vikos [w24].
15: Min [6335] bought one pitch [261] from Vikos [w24] for 50 gold.
15: Bruenor [8784], with one riding horse, exited Vikos [w24],
15: accompanied by:
15: Thoryn [5580], with 15 peasants
15: Fender [4609], with ten peasants
15: Kharas [5862]
15: Solstice [7195], with 14 peasants, three workers, exited Vikos [w24].
15: Lyrica [8094] exited Vikos [w24].
15: Wieland [3747], with one riding horse, exited Vikos [w24].
15: Noble 1 [4301], with five peasants, exited Vikos [w24].
15: Ramon Kaiser [1464] exited Vikos [w24].
15: Nel [7229] exited Vikos [w24].
15: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Lord Violet [5186] for
15: 4 gold.
16: Krom the Whaler [3546] bought one pitch [261] from Vikos [w24] for
16: 50 gold.
16: Bounds [1690], with one riding horse, exited Vikos [w24].
16: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Lord Violet [5186] for
16: 4 gold.
18: Kramer [7532] recruited two peasants.
19: Rachel Twinkletoes [8842], with five peasants, exited Vikos [w24].
21: Krom the Whaler [3546] began construction of Viking Seas [5199],
21: roundship-in-progress in Vikos [w24].
22: Noble 3 [4956], with one riding horse, exited Vikos [w24].
22: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
23: Tad [6621] began construction of Cair [9772], galley-in-progress in
23: Vikos [w24].
23: KayMan [8741] recruited two peasants.
23: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
24: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
24: Hadd [1635] recruited two peasants.
25: Nick [2507] recruited two peasants.
25: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
26: Andrew [5833], with three riding horses, three workers, exited
26: Vikos [w24].
26: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
27: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
28: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
29: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Paw [2501] for 4 gold.
29: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Thor Hammerfaust [8185]
29: for 4 gold.
29: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
29: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 5 [7529] for 4 gold.
29: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 4 [8558] for 4 gold.
29: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Tyr Hammerfaust [5416] for
29: 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Paw [2501] for 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Thor Hammerfaust [8185]
30: for 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 2 [8238] for 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 5 [7529] for 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Noble 4 [8558] for 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Loki Hammerfaust [7467]
30: for 4 gold.
30: Vikos [w24] bought one woven basket [94] from Tyr Hammerfaust [5416] for
30: 4 gold.
Routes leaving Vikos:
North, to Ocean [cs66], Great Sea, 1 day
East, to Ocean [ct67], Great Sea, 1 day
Out, to Forest [ct66], 1 day
Cities rumored to be nearby:
Swinebroth [g42], in Plain [ct60]
Skills taught here:
Shipcraft [600], Combat [610], Construction [680], Forestry [700],
Trade [730], Magic [800], Gatecraft [860]
Market report:
trade who price qty wt/ea item
----- --- ----- --- ----- ----
buy 8741 13 25 30 wood [77]
buy w24 4 30 1 woven baskets [94]
buy w24 2 100 2 fish [87]
buy w24 6 25 30 wood [77]
sell w24 50 10 100 pitch [261]
sell w24 13 25 30 wood [77]
It is raining.
Seen here:
Paw [2501], with 25 peasants
Thor Hammerfaust [8185], accompanied by:
Loki Hammerfaust [7467]
Freyja Hammerfaust [2191]
Tyr Hammerfaust [5416], with 25 peasants
Lord Bauth [5983], with 25 peasants, accompanied by:
Lady Bauth [4192]
Young Bauth [7596]
Sir Bauth [6217]
Xenophon [2024], with 19 peasants, two workers
Fritz [1260], with two workers
Gustav [6430], with two workers
Arlington [4119], with 20 peasants, two soldiers
Hadd [1635], with two peasants
Nick [2507], with two peasants
Kramer [7532], with two peasants
Oturo Kengi [1405], with 21 peasants, two workers
Pips McClawski [9889], with one worker
KayMan [8741], with seven peasants, accompanied by:
Banshee [5073], with one peasant
Huerath [1654]
* Min [6335], with 12 peasants
Gipswasser [6890], with 25 peasants, accompanied by:
Isaak Mann [4373]
Perrier [7051]
Thundervein [4936], with 25 peasants
Kessell [8712], with 20 peasants
Noble 2 [8238]
Noble 5 [7529]
Noble 4 [8558]
Lord Violet [5186], with 21 peasants
Sir Niclas [9386], with two workers
Best Boy [7517], with two workers
Ships docked at port:
Serenity [1090], galley-in-progress, 60% completed, 24% loaded, owner:
Captain Reynolds [5104], with eight workers
Viking Seas [5199], roundship-in-progress, 30% completed, 11% loaded,
Krom the Whaler [3546], with 15 workers
Cair [9772], galley-in-progress, 16% completed, 30% loaded, owner:
* Tad [6621], with eight peasants, five workers, accompanied by:
* Canad [2530]
Lore sheets
Shipcraft [600]
All skills concerning ocean travel fall under this category.
Shipcraft encompasses the building and repair of ships,
training of sailors, and navigation at sea.
The following skills may be studied directly once Shipcraft is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
601 Sailing two weeks
602 Shipbuilding two weeks
603 Fishing two weeks
Shipbuilding [602]
Usage: BUILD galley "Name of ship"
or BUILD roundship "Name of ship"
Requires: at least three workers [11]
50 wood [77] for a galley, 100 wood for a roundship
Time: 250 worker-days for a galley, 500 for a roundship
To begin construction of a ship, the shipbuilder should unstack from
beneath other characters and issue one of the BUILD orders. One-fifth
of the lumber is required to start construction. The rest is deducted
as progress on the ship is made (the second fifth at 20% completion,
the third fifth at 40% completion, etc.)
The shipbuilder and his workers will be placed inside the new ship.
As soon as the required number of worker-days has been invested in
construction, the ship will be christened and declared seaworthy.
To resume construction of a partially completed ship, first enter the
ship, then issue the either "build galley" or "build roundship".
Ships may only be built in locations with a passable route to an
ocean, such as a port city.
Combat [610]
The student of combat learns the training of soldiers and how
to lead them well in battle. With study and experience, the
battle lord will find strategies to be used in difficult combat
The following skills may be studied directly once Combat is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
611 Survive fatal wound four weeks
612 Fight to the death four weeks
613 Construct catapult two weeks
614 Defense two weeks
615 Archery three weeks
616 Swordplay two weeks
617 Weaponsmithing two weeks
Construction [680]
The domain of engineers, builders and architects, Construction
concerns the erection of inns, castles, city walls, and other
The following skills may be studied directly once Construction is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
681 Construct siege tower two weeks
682 Stone quarrying two weeks
Forestry [700]
Forestry is skill at managing forests and harvesting their
products, such as timber, yew, and rare foliage.
The following skills may be studied directly once Forestry is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
701 Construct battering ram two weeks
702 Harvest lumber two weeks
703 Harvest yew two weeks
704 Collect rare foliage two weeks
705 Harvest mallorn wood two weeks
Further skills may be found through research.
Harvest lumber [702]
Usage: WOOD [number] [days]
Time: as given or necessary
Requires: at least one worker [11]
Workers enter the forest and select trees which are suitable for felling
and sawing. Lumber is used in the construction of ships, buildings and
some weapons. Timber is also used to support the roofs of mine shafts.
Must be used in a forest province. Forests generate 30 wood [77] each
wood # obtain as much wood as possible
wood 25 # stop after getting 25 wood
wood 0 5 # cut timber for five days
wood 25 5 # stop after five days, or 25 wood, whichever
# comes first
In all cases, timber cutting will cease as soon as the forest's supply
of wood for the month has been exhausted.
WOOD is an alias for COLLECT 77.
Magic [800]
No apprentice magician can rightfully don the robes of his order without
some knowledge of Magic [800]. Magic contains many spells useful on
their own, as well as in conjunction with spells from the other schools
of sorcery.
The following skills may be studied directly once Magic is known:
num skill time to learn
--- ----- -------------
801 Meditate two weeks
802 Perform common tasks for gold two weeks
803 Appear common two weeks
804 View current aura level of others three weeks
805 Heal three weeks
806 Modern magic script three weeks
Further skills may be found through research.
New players
gd5 Faery
Faery <faery@mail.lv>
as0 Eldar
Denis NItschke <montagor@gmx.de>
xs8 USS Voyager
Voyager <Voy-ager@bigmir.net>
ie8 Dunduks
Ugis <iksugis@gmail.com>
zi8 GreatOnes
Stephen Gibbs <stevegibbs0508@gmail.com>
qp5 Wolves
David <Wolverthorn@gmail.com>
fc2 Romans
Jorge <jorge@foreach.com.mx>
rd2 Ice Clan
Iceman <iceclan@email.cz>
jq9 Sea Sharks
Jacob More <magiclordsinc@outlook.com>
gd8 True Way
Garak <sun.tsu@aol.com>
se1 The de Falt Clan
Charles Mush <cumush@gmail.com>
zb1 Atnerk's Amigos
Rich Skrenta <skrenta@gmail.com>
jr5 Ambers
cass <9amber@inbox.ru>
tp9 Prasinus Lutum
J. Gabriel <escarpement@yahoo.com>
do1 Menam
Cast Helix <Cast_Helix@yahoo.com>
lk8 Brotherhood of Blue
Kazunori Iriya <iriyak@yahoo.co.jp>
xq9 Muffinators
Muffinman <gdioly@zatl.lightspear.net>
fs9 msta
msta <mstamii@bigmir.net>
td6 Magisch Ziffer
shelest <i906090@rambler.ru>
ep2 Wild Faction
Tarm <tarm@ro.ru>
qq3 Obsidian Order
Obsidian <billguts@hotmail.com>
jq0 Holy Rollers
Abendigo <poker@oosterveld.org>
dt7 Creatures
cassius <cassius_md@mail.ru>
yn5 Stars Company
jaguarr <dangerr@yandex.ru>
ad8 Tower of Song
Jon Bojsen Kv rndrup <Leslac@Hotmail.com>
gt4 Iceblood
Allen Billy <billys@shaw.ca>