Olympia G4 turn 436
Report for Romans [qt5].
Season "Sunsear", month 4, in the year 55.
Rules The Olympia Times
Game totals:
Players: 13
Controlled units: 421
Other units: 3,891
Faction [qt5] rank
------------- ----
Characters: 3 13th
Men: 15 11th
Gold: 153 13th
Land controlled: 0 11th
Skills known: 21/74 13th
Spells known: 11/79 13th
Provinces visited: 20/14,914 13th
Noble points: 63 (0 gained, 0 spent)
The next NP will be received at the end of turn 440.
The next five nobles formed will be: 7415 9731 7307 2250 6653
8 fast study days are left.
unit where loyal heal B CA gold peas work sail figh under name
---- ----- ----- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----
5633 5240 o2 100 0 11 93 Jorch
2805 cg19 o2 100 0 60 14 1 Caesar
5177 cg19 o2 100 0 2805 Roman Trader
==== ==== ==== ==== ====
153 14 1
Location Stack
-------- -----
Koddekra's sub continent [cg19] Caesar [2805]
Roman Trader [5177]
Name of Galley [5240] Jorch [5633]
stack total wt walk ride fly
----- -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
5633 1,100 250 0% 50 66%
2805 3,829 1,871 6% (1,529) 609%
5177 1,100 250 0% 50 66%
Romans [qt5]
Unclaimed items:
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
2,635 gold [1] 0
2 riding horses [52] 2,000 ride 300
5 wood [77] 150
100 stone [78] 10,000
Jorch [5633]
0: > stop
0: Interrupt current order.
1: > unstack
1: Jorch [5633] unstacks from Caesar [2805].
1: > wait stack 5177
Location: Name of Galley [5240], in province Koddekra's sub
continent [cg19], in Grinter
Loyalty: Oath-2
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 118, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Current aura: 11
Maximum aura: 11
Skills known:
Shipcraft [600]
Combat [610]
Survive fatal wound [611]
Defense [614], journeyman
Magic [800]
Meditate [801], apprentice
Perform common tasks for gold [802], apprentice
Appear common [803], apprentice
View current aura level of others [804], apprentice
Heal [805], apprentice
Weather magic [820]
Fierce wind [821], apprentice
Gatecraft [860]
Detect gates [861], apprentice
Jump through gate [862], apprentice
Partially known skills:
Bind storm to ship [822], 7/21
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
93 gold [1] 0
1 riding horse [52] 1,000 ride 150
Capacity: 0/250 land (0%), 100/150 ride (66%)
Pending trades:
trade price qty item
----- ----- --- ----
sell 4 22 woven basket [94]
Caesar [2805]
1: > public
1: Received 100 CLAIM gold.
1: Jorch [5633] unstacks from us.
1: Received three tea [b438] from Roman Trader [5177].
1: > move out
1: Arrival at Koddekra's sub continent [cg19].
1: > stack 9687
1: Garrison [9687] refuses to let us stack.
1: > use 614
7: Defense rating raised 4 to 98.
8: > use 616
14: Attack rating raised 1 to 117.
15: > use 616
21: Attack rating raised 1 to 118.
22: > use 616
28: Attack rating raised 1 to 119.
29: > use 616
30: Paid maintenance of 30 gold.
Location: Koddekra's sub continent [cg19], in Grinter
Loyalty: Oath-2
Stacked over: Roman Trader [5177]
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 119, defense 98, missile 0
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Shipcraft [600]
Sailing [601], apprentice
Shipbuilding [602], apprentice
Fishing [603], apprentice
Combat [610]
Defense [614], apprentice
Swordplay [616], journeyman
Weaponsmithing [617], apprentice
Forestry [700]
Harvest lumber [702], apprentice
Partially known skills:
Fight to the death [612], 7/28
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
60 gold [1] 0
1 soldier [12] 100 cap 100 (5,5,0)
14 sailors [19] 1,400 cap 1,400 (1,1,0)
1 riding horse [52] 1,000 ride 150
3 tea [b438] 129
Capacity: 129/1,750 land (7%), 1,729/150 ride (1152%)
Roman Trader [5177]
0: > stop
0: Interrupt current order.
1: > claim 1 115
1: Claimed 115 gold.
1: > give 2805 b438 3
1: Gave three tea to Caesar [2805].
1: > wait loc x75 day 18
1: Arrival at Koddekra's sub continent [cg19].
18: Wait finished: today is day 18.
18: > USE 631
18: Must be in a city.
18: > study 634
18: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
18: Study Determine character's lord for seven days.
25: > study 731
25: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
25: Study Conceal identity of trader for seven days.
Location: Koddekra's sub continent [cg19], in Grinter
Loyalty: Oath-2
Stacked under: Caesar [2805]
Health: 100%
Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 98
behind 0 (front line in combat)
Break point: 50%
Skills known:
Combat [610]
Survive fatal wound [611]
Archery [615], journeyman
Stealth [630]
Petty thievery [631], apprentice
Determine inventory of character [632], apprentice
Determine skills of character [633], apprentice
Construction [680]
Stone quarrying [682], apprentice
Trade [730]
Find tradegood for sale [732], apprentice
Find market for tradegood [733], apprentice
Partially known skills:
Determine character's lord [634], 7/14
Conceal identity of trader [731], 6/14
qty name weight
--- ---- ------
1 riding horse [52] 1,000 ride 150
Capacity: 0/250 land (0%), 100/150 ride (66%)
Pending trades:
trade price qty item
----- ----- --- ----
sell 7 3 clay pot [95]
sell 4 26 woven basket [94]
Koddekra's sub continent [cg19], desert, in Grinter, wilderness
0: Garrison [9687], garrison, with ten soldiers guards Koddekra's sub
0: continent [cg19].
1: Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, one riding horse, exited
1: Name of Galley [5240], accompanied by:
1: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse
30: It has stopped raining.
Province controlled by Moonmoth Municipality [2550], castle, in
Grinter [ca23]
Ruled by Nosferati [1926], duke
Routes leaving Koddekra's sub continent:
North, desert, to Koddekra's sub continent [cf19], 8 days
East, desert, to Koddekra's sub continent [cg20], 8 days
South, to Ocean [ch19], Great Sea, 2 days
West, to Ocean [cg18], Great Sea, 2 days
Inner locations:
Oasis [a230], oasis, 1 day
Seen here:
Garrison [9687], garrison, on guard, with ten soldiers
* Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, one riding horse,
accompanied by:
* Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse
Ships docked at port:
Name of Galley [5240], galley, 22% loaded, defense 20, owner:
* Jorch [5633], mage, with one riding horse
Lore sheets
Determine character's lord [634]
Usage: USE 634
Time: seven days
Reveals what player the specified character is sworn to, unless
the target character is concealing its identity. The spy must be
in the same location as the target.
Conceal identity of trader [731]
Usage: BUY - 1
- 1
This skill allows a trader to conceal his identity when
dealing with a market. By working through middlemen and
employing shady contacts, the trader will not reveal his
identity to the other party to his transaction, or to the
market at large.
To use this skill, the trader should supply a "1" flag as
the fifth argument to the BUY or SELL command. Note that
The first four arguments must be specified; use "0" for
have-left if it is to be left as the default.
For example, to conceal one's identity when selling 10
pots for 2 gold each, issue the order:
sell 95 10 2 0 1
If the conceal trade flag is supplied, but the character
does not know 731, the BUY or SELL order will fail.
Order template
begin qt5 "KoDkmO1d" # Romans
unit qt5 # Romans
unit 5633 # Jorch in Name of Galley [5240]
# > wait stack 5177 (still executing)
move out
move e
move e
move in
stack 2843
study 880
study 880
use 614
use 614
use 614
use 614
unit 2805 # Caesar in Koddekra's sub continent [cg19]
# > use 616 (executing for five more days)
use 616
unit 5177 # Roman Trader in Koddekra's sub continent [cg19]
# > study 731 (executing for one more day)
study 731
use 615
use 615
use 615
use 615