Olympia G4 turn 474 Report for Romans [qt5].

Season "Snowmelt", month 2, in the year 60.

Rules The Olympia Times
Game totals: Players: 13 Controlled units: 399 Other units: 4,006 Faction [qt5] rank ------------- ---- Characters: 3 13th Men: 19 10th Gold: 3,175 13th Land controlled: 0 10th Skills known: 33/74 12th Spells known: 21/79 10th Provinces visited: 93/14,914 13th Noble points: 66 (0 gained, 0 spent) The next NP will be received at the end of turn 480. The next five nobles formed will be: 7415 9731 7307 2250 6653 8 fast study days are left. unit where loyal heal B CA gold peas work sail figh under name ---- ----- ----- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- 5177 f78 o2 100 0 1496 Roman Trader 2805 5240 o2 100 0 966 4 14 1 Caesar 5633 bp40 o2 100 0 21 713 Jorch ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== 3175 4 14 1 Location Stack -------- ----- Rita Plain [bm40] Icebarrow [f78] Roman Trader [5177] Plain [bp40] Jorch [5633] Rayth [b57] Name of Galley [5240] Caesar [2805] stack total wt walk ride fly ----- -------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 5177 1,100 250 0% 50 66% 2805 5,129 2,321 5% (1,679) 473% 5633 100 100 0%

Romans [qt5]

Unclaimed items: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 5,085 gold [1] 0 5 wood [77] 150 100 stone [78] 10,000

Roman Trader [5177]

1: Caesar [2805] took 1,000 gold [1] from us. 1: Jorch [5633] unstacks from Caesar [2805]. 1: > unstack 1: Roman Trader [5177] unstacks from Jorch [5633]. 1: Received one riding horse [52] from Jorch [5633]. 1: > use 631 6: Earned 52 gold picking pockets. 7: > move out 7: Travel to Plain [bp40] will take one day. 7: Arrival at Plain [bp40]. 8: > move n 8: Travel to Forest [bn40] will take four days. 11: Arrival at Forest [bn40]. 12: > move n 12: Travel to Plain [bm40] will take four days. 15: Arrival at Plain [bm40]. 15: The province is blanketed in fog. 16: > move in 16: (assuming 'move f78') 16: Travel to Icebarrow [f78] will take one day. 16: Arrival at Icebarrow [f78]. 17: > stack garrison 17: There is no garrison here. 17: > use 631 22: Earned 86 gold stealing from merchants. 23: > use 614 28: Defense rating raised 2 to 189. 29: > use 615 Location: Icebarrow [f78], in province Plain [bm40], in Rita Loyalty: Oath-2 Health: 100% Combat: attack 84, defense 189, missile 265 behind 0 (front line in combat) Break point: 50% Skills known: Shipcraft [600] Sailing [601], apprentice Shipbuilding [602], apprentice Fishing [603], apprentice Combat [610] Survive fatal wound [611] Fight to the death [612] Construct catapult [613], apprentice Defense [614], master Archery [615], grand master Swordplay [616], apprentice Weaponsmithing [617], apprentice Stealth [630] Petty thievery [631], adept Determine inventory of character [632], apprentice Determine skills of character [633], apprentice Determine character's lord [634], apprentice Conceal faction [635], apprentice Construction [680] Construct siege tower [681], apprentice Stone quarrying [682], apprentice Trade [730] Conceal identity of trader [731], apprentice Find tradegood for sale [732], apprentice Find market for tradegood [733], apprentice Inventory: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 1,496 gold [1] 0 1 riding horse [52] 1,000 ride 150 ====== 1,000 Capacity: 0/250 land (0%), 100/150 ride (66%) Pending trades: trade price qty item ----- ----- --- ---- sell 4 26 woven basket [94]

Caesar [2805]

1: > public 1: Received 100 CLAIM gold. 1: > take 5177 1 1000 1: Took 1,000 gold from Roman Trader [5177]. 1: Jorch [5633] unstacks from us. 1: > claim 52 2 1: Claimed two riding horses. 1: > move out 1: Travel to Plain [bp40] will take one day. 1: Arrival at Plain [bp40]. 2: > stack garrison 2: Garrison [8893] refuses to let us stack. 2: > stack 8893 2: Garrison [8893] refuses to let us stack. 2: > recruit 4 5: Recruited four peasants. 6: > breed 52 10 6: Breed attempt will take 14 days. 19: Produced one centaur [271]. 20: > unstack 20: Not stacked under anyone. 20: > move in 20: (assuming 'move b57') 20: One noble, 20 men: travel will take an extra day. 20: Travel to Rayth [b57] will take two days. 21: Arrival at Rayth [b57]. 22: > move 5240 22: Arrival at Name of Galley [5240]. 22: > study 750 22: Instruction in [750] is not available here. 22: > study 750 22: Instruction in [750] is not available here. 22: > breed 52 10 22: Breed attempt will take 14 days. 30: Paid maintenance of 34 gold. Location: Name of Galley [5240], in Rayth [b57], in province Plain [bp40], in Rita Loyalty: Oath-2 Health: 100% Combat: attack 239, defense 166, missile 0 behind 0 (front line in combat) Break point: 50% Skills known: Shipcraft [600] Sailing [601], master Shipbuilding [602], apprentice Fishing [603], apprentice Combat [610] Survive fatal wound [611] Fight to the death [612] Defense [614], adept Swordplay [616], grand master Weaponsmithing [617], apprentice Beastmastery [650] Bird spy [651], apprentice Capture beasts in battle [652] Use beasts in battle [653] Breed beasts [654], apprentice Forestry [700] Construct battering ram [701], apprentice Harvest lumber [702], apprentice Inventory: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 966 gold [1] 0 4 peasants [10] 400 cap 400 (1,1,0) 1 soldier [12] 100 cap 100 (5,5,0) 14 sailors [19] 1,400 cap 1,400 (1,1,0) 2 riding horses [52] 2,000 ride 300 1 centaur [271] 1,000 ride 150 (30,30,0) 3 tea [b438] 129 ====== 5,029 Capacity: 129/2,450 land (5%), 2,129/450 ride (473%) Pending trades: trade price qty item ----- ----- --- ---- sell 4 5 woven basket [94]

Jorch [5633]

1: > unstack 1: Jorch [5633] unstacks from Caesar [2805]. 1: Roman Trader [5177] unstacks from us. 1: > give 5177 52 1 1: Gave one riding horse to Roman Trader [5177]. 1: > use 802 10 10: Earned 100 gold dowsing for water. 11: > move out 11: Travel to Plain [bp40] will take one day. 11: Arrival at Plain [bp40]. 12: > stack garrison 12: Garrison [8893] refuses to let us stack. 12: > study 603 12: Study Fishing for seven days. 18: Learned Fishing [603]. 19: > use 614 24: Defense rating raised 10 to 274. 25: > use 615 Location: Plain [bp40], in Rita Loyalty: Oath-2 Health: 100% Combat: attack 80, defense 274, missile 96 behind 0 (front line in combat) Break point: 50% Current aura: 21 Maximum aura: 21 Skills known: Shipcraft [600] Sailing [601], apprentice Shipbuilding [602], apprentice Fishing [603], apprentice Combat [610] Survive fatal wound [611] Fight to the death [612] Defense [614], grand master Archery [615], journeyman Stealth [630] Petty thievery [631], apprentice Determine inventory of character [632], apprentice Determine skills of character [633], apprentice Determine character's lord [634], apprentice Magic [800] Meditate [801], apprentice Perform common tasks for gold [802], master Appear common [803], apprentice View current aura level of others [804], apprentice Heal [805], apprentice Modern magic script [806], apprentice Weather magic [820] Fierce wind [821], apprentice Bind storm to ship [822], apprentice Scribe weather symbols [823], apprentice Summon wind [824], apprentice Gatecraft [860] Detect gates [861], apprentice Jump through gate [862], apprentice Language of the Ancients [863], apprentice Artifact construction [880] Forge auraculum [881], apprentice Arcane symbols [882], apprentice Forge magical weapon [883], apprentice Forge magical armor [884], apprentice Partially known skills: Conceal faction [635], 21/28 Inventory: qty name weight --- ---- ------ 713 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Capacity: 0/100 land (0%)

Plain [bm40], plain, in Rita, civ-1

Province controlled by South Watch [1775], castle, in Forest [bg36] Ruled by Vogt [1546], duke Routes leaving Plain: North, to Mountain [bk40], 10 days East, to Plain [bm41], 7 days South, to Forest [bn40], 8 days West, to Mountain [bm39], 10 days Inner locations: Icebarrow [f78], city, 1 day It is raining. The province is blanketed in fog. No one can be seen through the fog.

Icebarrow [f78], city, in province Plain [bm40]

16: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse, arrived from Plain [bm40]. 22: Two merchants complain that they were robbed by a thief. Routes leaving Icebarrow: Out, to Plain [bm40], 1 day Cities rumored to be nearby: Rayth [b57], in Plain [bp40] Skills taught here: Combat [610], Beastmastery [650], Construction [680], Magic [800], Weather magic [820] Market report: trade who price qty wt/ea item ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---- buy f78 52 2 1,000 riding horses [52] buy f78 4 30 1 woven baskets [94] sell f78 105 2 1,000 riding horses [52] sell f78 100 5 2,000 oxen [76] It is raining. The province is blanketed in fog. Seen here: * Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse

Forest [bn40], forest, in Rita, civ-1

11: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse, arrived from the south. 12: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse, went north. Province controlled by South Watch [1775], castle, in Forest [bg36] Ruled by Vogt [1546], duke Routes leaving Forest: North, to Plain [bm40], 7 days East, to Plain [bn41], 7 days South, to Plain [bp40], 7 days West, to Forest [bn39], 8 days Seen here: Garrison [2099], garrison, on guard, with ten soldiers, 16 workers

Plain [bp40], plain, in Rita, civ-2

0: Garrison [8893], garrison, with ten soldiers guards Plain [bp40]. 1: Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, two riding horses, arrived 1: from Rayth [b57]. 5: Caesar [2805] recruited four peasants. 7: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse, arrived from Rayth [b57]. 8: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse, went north. 9: It has begun to rain. 11: Jorch [5633], sorcerer, arrived from Rayth [b57]. 20: Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, two riding horses, 20: four peasants, one centaur, entered Rayth [b57]. 30: It is no longer windy. Province controlled by South Watch [1775], castle, in Forest [bg36] Ruled by Vogt [1546], duke Routes leaving Plain: North, to Forest [bn40], 8 days East, to Ocean [bp41], Great Sea, impassable South, to Ocean [bq40], Great Sea, impassable West, to Forest [bp39], 8 days Inner locations: Rayth [b57], port city, 1 day Poppy field [x778], poppy field, 1 day It is raining. Rain [79982], storm, strength 1 Seen here: Garrison [8893], garrison, on guard, with ten soldiers * Jorch [5633], sorcerer

Rayth [b57], port city, in province Plain [bp40]

1: Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, two riding horses, exited 1: Rayth [b57]. 6: Several townspeople complain that their pockets were picked in the town 6: square. 7: Roman Trader [5177], with one riding horse, exited Rayth [b57]. 10: Jorch [5633] earned 100 gold working at common magic. 11: Jorch [5633], sorcerer, exited Rayth [b57]. 21: Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, two riding horses, 21: four peasants, one centaur, arrived from Plain [bp40]. 22: Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, two riding horses, 22: four peasants, one centaur, entered Name of Galley [5240]. 26: Rayth [b57] bought 25 woven baskets [94] from gc [9133] for 100 gold. Routes leaving Rayth: East, to Ocean [bp41], Great Sea, 1 day South, to Ocean [bq40], Great Sea, 1 day Out, to Plain [bp40], 1 day Cities rumored to be nearby: Baelraeth [a61], in Plain [bq37] Icebarrow [f78], in Plain [bm40] Abreway [g82], in Mountain [bq33] Skills taught here: Shipcraft [600], Combat [610], Beastmastery [650], Construction [680], Trade [730], Magic [800], Gatecraft [860] Market report: trade who price qty wt/ea item ----- --- ----- --- ----- ---- buy b57 57 3 1,000 riding horses [52] buy b57 2 100 2 fish [87] buy b57 4 30 1 woven baskets [94] sell b57 50 10 100 pitch [261] sell b57 100 5 2,000 oxen [76] sell b57 115 3 1,000 riding horses [52] Inner locations: Temple To Jupiter [5702], temple, defense 10 It is raining. Seen here: gc [9133] Reeta Ray [117876], undead Ships docked at port: Name of Galley [5240], galley, 115% loaded, defense 20, 11% damaged, owner: * Caesar [2805], with one soldier, 14 sailors, two riding horses, four peasants, one centaur

Order template

begin qt5 "KoDkmO1d" # Romans unit qt5 # Romans unit 5177 # Roman Trader in Icebarrow [f78] # > use 615 (executing for four more days) use 614 use 615 use 614 use 615 use 614 use 615 unit 2805 # Caesar in Name of Galley [5240] # > breed 52 10 (executing for five more days) breed 52 10 breed 52 10 use 616 use 614 use 616 use 614 use 616 use 614 use 616 use 614 unit 5633 # Jorch in Plain [bp40] # > use 615 (executing for one more day) use 614 use 615 use 614 use 615 use 614 use 615 end