Welcome to Havilah
The second game of Havilah 1.0.1 (Atlantis 5.1 code base) has now ended
with the destruction of the world, and the death of all players.
Turns ran on Fridays at 12 noon AEST/ADST.
The updated rules can be found here.
You can view the archives of the Havilah Times
Major changes from 1.0.0:
- Larger (120x120) world
- Flat world (while I liked the icosahedral layout, it did confuse people)
- Starting cities removed and replaced with nexus portals
- Ship types replaced with more interesting ones
- Summoning skills changed to make them more balanced
- Turns now run only once per week
Thanks to Max Shariy, there is an updated version of his
Atlantis Little Helper
client program available to work with the Atlantis v5 code base.
Atlantis is an open-source project whose source is available at
The nexus for continuing development of Atlantis is the
mailing list.